Start Immediately -- Time Critical

Order AIRCO for East Sunroom
Order bed for EBR
Pick up shipment

Triplexer Sequence

Test existing Ridge antenna on air; repair anything needed to obtain normal operation
Install quiet fans on triplexer module; store the other fans in blue box in WBR
Breadboard cable-in triplexer and test with lesser value transceivers; keep power down
Remove TA-34XL but leave it on Ridge
Study Bencher mod kit and assemble what's possible in yard
Install Bencher on Ridge tower; cable around the RCS-4
Test for SWR and then connect Bencher to feedline
Verify operation of Bencher by making multiple Qs on all three bands
Test W9NJY switch in shack at power
Test triplexer at or near rated power
Install W9NJY switch on Ridge and connect
Install W9NJY control head permanently in shack and connect
Connect Ridge 80 vee to W9NJY switch
If good, install triplexer in permanent position on wall
Install "good" transceivers
Mark then disassemble TA-34XL and bring it down


StackMatch Cabling Sequence

Fabricate and install bulkhead connector for 10, 15 Europe feedlines and future feedlines
Cable 15 US yagi feedline off of US tower and into shack
Remove 15 StackMatch from tower
Seal connectors
Cable 10 US yagi feedline off of US tower and into shack
Remove 10 StackMatch from tower
Seal connectors
Install StackMatches accessibly in shack
Fabricate all need coax cables and connect
Make permanent switch and wall labels for the new configuration


80 Meter Wire Beam Sequence

Assemble 80 meter boom
Fabricate and install boom rope-retainer end caps
Drill and install 80 boom recovery rope and coax feed systems
Install weights on ropes
Pretest rope mechanism
Install 80 boom on tower before re-installing 6 meter yagi
Tune vee and install elements with permanent new wire
Install C-3E/H on tower

C-3E/H Sequence

Assemble C-3E/H in yard as much as possible
Test with MFJ and at power low on the Europe tower
Install at top of US tower probably after 80 boom and 6 meter yagi have been installed.

10 Meter Stack Sequence

Install 10 meter matching harness and test on tower
Weatherproof all parts

6 Meter Yagi Repair Sequence

Determine location of SWR problem on 6 meter system
Take down 6 meter yagi if necessary
Take down CL-33 and put in test low on Europe tower
Repair CL-33 with new traps
Test, mark, then disassemble and store CL-33

AL-1200 Sequence

Reassemble with transformer, tube, and chimney
Set up transformer taps as with other AL-1200s
Test at Station 4 and leave in place there
Stow Titan 425 RF deck for CQWW SSB

Titan III Sequence

Change one old diode on SWR board using K6AM-supplied parts and instructions (W9NJY)
Install SWR board and test Titan III (Screws and directions are in the amp deck case.)
Operate considerably with Titan III at Station 1

160 TX Antenna Sequence

Replace 160 Inv L with good new antenna wire from shipment
Tune to 1.830 MHz

160 Ridge RX Antennas System

Confer with K8ND on 160 RX system (How to factor in RCS-4 and K9JY switches?)
Try inserting RCS-4 in the Beverage RX line in shack
If OK, put RCS-4 in service on Ridge at Europe Beverage feedpoint
Install Ridge US/JA Beverage

Pacific Tribander Sequence

Reassemble TA-34 XL and test at power low on Europe tower
If good, install high on Europe tower fixed on Pacific
Install W9NJY coax to Pacific tribander
Connect to one of the "Future" ports and reliable switches

SA Tribander Sequence

Take down SA tribander and inspect and clean traps
Test low on SA tower at power
If good, seal traps permanently
Reinstall on tower

Individual Tasks (Sequence in which these are done is not important.)

Install new coax to 160 TX antenna
Leave old feedline in place and label

Install new coax to 80 meter feedpoint up US/JA tower
Leave old feedline in place and label

Install and test FT-1000(5)

Triage and repair Europe Beverage

Triage and repair US/JA Beverage

Stow but do not assemble N0YY furniture

Install new sunroom phone

Install 220 V AC for East Sunroom AIRCO

Take apostille to Civil Registry

Replace hardware on WARC rotor

Triage rust on Europe tower

Triage rust on US/JA tower