Photos - Logistics

These photos were shot by Cindy, W0CG's XYL, on Providenciales, Turks and Caicos, February 14-22, 1998.

(Click on any image for a larger version.)

  LEFT: Look closely. This is a set of white plastic tables coming down the road, with a car attached underneath. Cindy thought this was about the dumbest of all the dumb things she saw us do all week. These are the operating tables for 15, 80, and the multiplier station. They were "borrowed" from one of the rental houses.
RIGHT: Goose (W8AV) and Geoff (W0CG) soldering up coax jumpers. We tried to prefabricate everything in the states, but there are always a few surprises on site....  
  LEFT: Geoff (W0CG) poking around in Goose's coax connector goodie box. We brought a number of contingency kits because you can't run down to the Radio Shack if you forgot something. You can read the 1 January 1998 planning newsletter for more info on the contingency kits, which saved our tails several times....