Notes on PC 21

February 2005

Brought to Curacao by N1ZZ

11 February 2009

Would not start -- no video. Reseated cards and started OK. Installed WL 10.69. Entered gateway address and DNS address Tested on network. All works perfectly.

23 October 2009

Sound card replaced with a spare from shelves in West bedroom by K6AM. Voice keyer quality was excellent after swapout.

9 February 2010

Installed at Station 4. Works fine but needs WinKey driver installed and USB port emulator.

28 October 2010

K6AM tried unsuccessfully to install Winkey drivers. Got FAT corrupted message on boot. Entire system needs to be re-built from install up.

30 January 2011

W8WTS installed good floppy drive from PC14 and good hard drive from PC14 and reinstalled all of Windows 98 from scratch. System is good now, and in service at Station # 4. Winkeyer comes up as COM5 on this machine.

2-7 March 2011

System had been rebooting and turning itself off spontaneously after ARRL DX CW. K6AM installed new power supply 2 March 2011. In the process we broke off the front panel, so swapped in the case from PC 8. This machine worked flawlessly through ARRL DX SSB 2011. K6AM checked all functions including Winkey CW, LPT1 CW, and Tardis 7 March and all is 100% good.

7 February 2014

Tests 100% good.

14 March 2017
