Notes on PC 8

MODEM installed March 2004 by W0CG. Motorola SM56 FAX MODEM on COM5.

128 MB RAM, Pentium III
C: 4.00 GB FAT 32
SN 9934 CDDZ 0371

September 2005

Reported dead by WW4LL -- would not turn on. He put it at Station 4 and swapped Station 4 PC to Station 1.

November 2005

PC8: Verified PC8 power supply is dead by swapping in a known good supply. Installed PC14 power supply into PC8 and placed PC8 in service at Station 5 for CQWW CW. Also cannibalized floppy drive from PC6 and put it in PC8 to replace the drive we took out of PC8 for the new Dell PC9....

2 February 2006

Put in new power supply transported by W0CG. Final status of PC8: Operational.

12 February 2009

No video. Hard drive clicks for about 1 second as it does its internal self-test, then stops. Pulled cards, swapped video cards, swapped hard drives. no good. Swapped RAM with no result. Won't boot from floppy. Swapped CPU heat sink from PC14. This made the PC clicking move to PC8. Swapped back and returned to prior state of PC8 failure. Out of options -- put in closet as spare parts.

7 March 2011

Took off the case and relabled it and put it on good PC21. Reconfirmed that system is dead. Will not start.