Notes on W8TK FT-1000 MP #2


SN 5F010091

March 2004

During ARRL contests we got CW audio sidetone out of the speaker on 15 meters, even with headphones plugged in. I was able to stop it by holding my hands over the headphone cans. On SSB, when there was a station on 75, that 75 audio got into the radio and was transmitted whenever the (2) radio was keyed up. K8ND found a broken ground strap and AE9B resoldered it. No testing done yet to see if this cleared the problem.

April 2005

Noticed low power output on the high bands. K8ND discovered this is a fairly common problem. W0CG brought the radio to the States on 11 April 2005, delivered it to W6XA in Anderson, S.C. in April for repair. Picked up in S.C. by W0CG on 6 May 2005. The following was done:

Replaced two PA driver transistors to get the power on the high bands back up
Installed the key click modification
Installed the AGC modification
Installed a new Inrad roofing filter and K9AN audio mod and aligned to compensate
Did a full condition check on the rig.

Click here for the repair invoice.

October 2005

Replaced speaker (W0CG), provided by W6XA. Made the following notes on filters:

INRAD roofing filter
K9AN AF filter mod Apr 05  

8215 KHz IF:
IRC #708 250 Hz
Yaesu XF-8.2M-501.03
Yaesu XF-8.2M-262-01  

455 KHz IF:
IRC #704 250 Hz
Collins 526-8693-01 500 Hz
Collins XF-115S mech filter  

Collins 455 KHz 526-8866-030  

TCXO board installed

Returned to Curacao October 18 2005 by W0CG.

27 October 2006

Used at Station # 3 for CQWW SSB -- functioned perfectly.

19 March 2008

XCVR is holding linear in solid key down. Shifted in a different radio and amp keyed OK. Tried FT-1000(2) with different cables and with Titan III and the problem moved with the XCVR. Moving TX gnd switch to "Off" does not cure problem. Problem is likely a short in the female RCA connector in radio. Attempt to fix on site first.

27 March 2009

Verified that amp relay is sticking key down. N0VD says this is a very common known problem with FT-1000s. Packed to return to the States in a Cabbage case.

8 April 2009

FT-1000 repaired. See message below:

Sent: 4/8/2009 3:49:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: FT-1000MP 
Hi Wayne,
I have this radio finished.
Replaced the amp relay and found that there was a shorted choke on the HPF board
This radio does have a menu setting to use different amp stages for the different bands
Total is $145 
On another note there is a label on the top that lists the filters etc installed. It states that this thing has the TCXO board installed. It is just a standard board and not the high stability oscillator, so if there was one in there it is not in there now....options were the TCXO-4 or TCXO-6 
I also cleaned up some of the rust inside and put some oil on it so it slows down the damage 

9 July 2009

Transceiver returned to Curacao by K8LEE. No duty. Placed in service at Station # 1 and performed perfectly for IARU contest.

21 October 2009

As measured by K6AM, RX sensitivity on main receiver is 20dB down on 40 and 80.

25 November 2009

K8ND verified that sensitivity is way down. Transceiver shipped to States with K8LEE for repair by WA4GEG and then retirement and sale. (This is our second oldest transceiver.)

22 December 2009

Repaired by WA8R, with repair paid for by K8LEE. 40 and 80 Main RX was 20 dB down, and SubRX was dead on most bands. Transceiver will not be returned to PJ2T and is being offered for sale.

17 January 2010

Worked fine at K8LEE for a couple of months - now awaiting disposition.

April 2010

Transported to W8TK awaiting disposition.